
Titanium Toxicity

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Titanium was once considered an “inert” substance, meaning it was not supposed to have an effect on the human body’s metabolic processes. Well, that’s changing. 

What is titanium?

Titanium is a heavy metal. It was once considered “inert” in the body, which is why it was allowed to be used in implant materials, added to foods to give them a white color and sunscreens, lotions & cosmetics. Now the research is finding it’s a known carcinogen to animals and ‘possibly’ carcinogenic to humans. Don’t wait to find out if it’s carcinogenic to you….

Start avoiding it. Support your body to naturally detox it (along with other heavy metals).

How bad is titanium toxicity?

Symptoms associated with titanium vary depending on the amount you are currently exposed to, here are some of the more common symptoms:

  • Lung diseases
  • Skin diseases (Eczema)
  • Sinus congestion
  • Cancer (A known carcinogen to animals. Rated Group 2B by the IARC)
  • Vision problems
  • Sexual weakness (Premature ejaculation)
  • Bright’s disease (a disease involving chronic inflammation of the kidneys)
  • Lupus (any of various diseases or conditions marked by inflammation of the skin)

Additional risks

Titanium has the ability to interact with the essential mineral silica, therefore signs and/or symptoms of silica deficiency can be an indication of a titanium excess.

It’s important to understand that vitamin & mineral supplementation can NOT resolve titanium toxicity and may cover up symptoms leading to bigger problems.  Detoxification of titanium is essential to properly restoring vitamin and mineral imbalances.

Silica deficiency –  soft or brittle nails, premature wrinkles, thinning or loss of hair, poor bone development and osteoporosis can all be indications of titanium toxicity.

If you suspect you have titanium toxicity and want to support your body’s natural detoxification processes book an initial consultation HERE

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