I remember watching Dances with Wolves during my childhood—particularly the scene where Lieutenant Dunbar participates in a hunt for “Tatanka,” or wild bison. After the kill, one of the Lakota warriors cuts open the fallen bison, pulls out its warm heart, and offers it to the dumbfounded lieutenant. What would you do if someone handed you the fresh, warm heart of an animal? I once knew.
What is organotherapy?
It’s the use of organ extracts to provide genuine rebuilding blocks to your own organs. It stems from 4000 years of Traditional Chinese medicine in which every native chinese speaker knows and understands “吃什麼補什麼” which means to eat the organ you wish to fortify. Dr. Henry Harrower, MD even documented and wrote numerous books detailing how to do this for other natural health practitioners during the early 1900’s.
Timeless wisdom lost as we age
When I was a child, my mother would prepare various soups and dishes with kidneys, hearts, liver, tripe, bone marrow, and other organs. In this way, we ate much like the Lakota and other native cultures. However, as I grew to be an impressionable teenager, I succumbed to the advertisements of mainstream media. I began seeking out processed and fast-foods and avoiding the organ meats and tissues my mother cooked with.
Most of us would cringe at the sight of a raw, steamy organ, ripped fresh from an animal that was once alive. However, many native tribes and primitive cultures intuitively know that organ meats are the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet.
Heart tissue, for example, is a rich source of coenzyme Q10. It also supplies our body’s cells with the nutrients required for adenosine triphosphate production and cellular respiration. After all, more than any other muscle in the body, the heart is the most active. It therefore requires the greatest amount of muscle nutrition.
Nearly all of the 14 primitive societies that Dr. Weston A. Price studied—and found in perfect health—consumed organ meats. The Gaelic-speaking people prized all fish organs, while the people of the Outer Hebrides consumed liver. Alaskan Eskimos ate the organs of large marine animals, including the skin of one particular whale found to be rich in vitamin C. Other European village societies were fond of cod liver, and the north Canadian Indians consumed adrenal glands as their main source of the vitamin C complex. Modern nutritional science has since confirmed that the adrenal glands are the richest source of vitamin C to be found in all animal or plant tissues.
Many of Dr. Royal Lee’s formulas contain organ tissue extracts, including his first multiple food formula, Catalyn.
Order Catalyn HERE from our Fullscript store
Due to the domestication of the human species, we’ve long forgotten our healthier ancestral ways. Many of my clients are nutritionally starved of the very nutrients that can only be found in food. When confronted with a grimace of awkward disgust at the suggestion that they add organ tissue to their diet, I often remind my clients, “Just because you don’t want to eat it doesn’t mean your body doesn’t need it.”
Being of (half) Chinese descent, I grew up learning what most Chinese people and practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine know—that organ meats are nutritional building blocks that not only optimize the function of our own organs, but also bolster their repair. Ironically, newer generations of Chinese have fallen victim to the domestication of modern society—and few, if any, actually consume organ meats.
Dr. Royal Lee was quite aware that our modern day palates were highly impressionable to consumer-focused advertisements. He also understood how the consumption of organ meats could replenish years of missing nutrition from a diet of devitalized and processed foods. Many of his whole food concentrate formulas include such animal tissues for this very reason.
You can restore or maintain your health with a Natural Health Improvement program that includes Dr. Royal Lee’s whole food concentrates. At the same time, venture out and try some goose liver pâté, duck liver foie gras, thymus, and pancreas sweetbreads—or even a bison’s steaming, raw heart. Maybe start with Grilled foie gras and vegetables in a savory broth.
If you are looking for a natural approach to improving your health, it starts with food. Visit the Natural Health Improvement Center of Idaho to book an initial consultation HERE