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What is Radiation?

Ionizing radiation has sufficient energy to affect the atoms in living cells and thereby damage their genetic material (DNA). Fortunately, the cells in our bodies are extremely efficient at repairing this damage. However, if the damage is not repaired correctly, a cell may die or eventually become cancerous.

Exposure to very high levels of radiation, such as being close to an atomic blast, can cause acute health effects such as skin burns and acute radiation syndrome (“radiation sickness”). It can also result in long-term health effects such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. Exposure to low levels of radiation encountered in the environment does not cause immediate health effects, but is a minor contributor to our overall cancer risk.

When our cells are exposed, the radiation is absorbed primarily by the water in our cells, resulting in the creation of reactive oxygen species or ROS for short. These in turn, damage the cell, including the protein structures and our cell’s DNA. Depending on the exposure, radiation sickness or disease can result.

Where does Radiation come from?

X-rays, Cat Scans, and nuclear plants are all real sources of radiation that we are exposed to from time to time. We are also exposed to “background radiation” from the sun and other particles from outer space. For the most part, the Earth’s atmosphere protects us from the sun’s radiation and radiation from outer space. However, when we are fly on an airplane during the day we are closer to this radiation source and there is less atmosphere to protect us from the radiation

Radiation can also come from radionuclides from public drinking water, radon in homes, foods that have been irradiated, tobacco products, ceramics, cat litter, commercial fertilizer, fluorescent light bulbs, and the use of microwave ovens may be in the home sources of radiation as they may contain uranium, radon, radium, plutonium. Cell phones, wifi devices and the presence of high powered high powered appliances can also emit electromagnetic frequencies. Ionizing radiation is a very high-energy from of electromagnetic radiation.

What can i do about it?

Did you know Eleuthero (Siberian ginseng) has been shown to reduce the side effects of radiation exposure. In animal and in vitro studies?  Eleuthero has demonstrated effects of radiation protection (Yonezawa et al.,1989) and stress reduction (Takasugi et al., 1985).  After the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster, many Russian and Ukrainian citizens were given Eleuthero to counteract the effects of radiation. Eleuthero was also commonly used in Russia in oncology hospital departments to increase the tolerance of the patients to the adverse effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy  (Gvamichava, 1966; Khatiashvili, 1964, 1966; Kupin, 1986a, 1986b). 

How much radiation is safe?

The International Commission on Radiological Protection has established what amount of radiation is safe for humans to be exposed to. As an example the safe upper limit exposure for air crew members is 20 mSV/year. We are all exposed to some, albeit, small amounts of radiation on a daily basis, known as background radiation (described above). For comparison the average background radiation exposure at sea level is about 2.4 mSV/year. An average flight across the US (5 hrs) will give you about 3-5 mSV. At 30,000 feet in the air the amount of radiation we are exposed to is significantly higher than the radiation we get on the ground. While both are quite low, flight attendant receive a much higher exposure.

Why is radiation bad for us?

Radiation or radioactive particles are unstable molecules that can strip away electrons from molecules in our bodies making those molecules unstable. These unstable molecules are called free radicals and when they go unchecked, they can set off a host of other problems and damage in the body. For example, if a cell’s dna is damaged in such a way that the codes are changed it can lead to cancer or mutations that are passed on to other cell lines. In the case of cancer, it could lead to uncontrolled cell replication if not kept in check by the immune system.

However we also shouldn’t ignore that there is a toxic exposure occurring to our cells and DNA. Some that are more sensitive to these things may have symptoms like headaches, nausea, confusion, fatigue, etc. So the point of this article is to educate you on the level of risk and give you some ideas on enhancing your bodies inherent defense against this radiation.

Short of wearing a lead suit, what can you do to protect your cells against this exposure?


Enhance Cellular Vitality and protect your cells!

When we are exposed to increased EMFs, radiation and fly, we recommend

  • Eleuthero (aka Siberian ginseng or 刺五加) was taken by many Russian and Ukrainian citizens after the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster.
  • Cyruta-Plus: Rich in Vitamin P, which helps to protect the nuclear membranes.
  • Gingko Forte: The ginkgo tree was the only surviving organism alive after the (nuclear) A-Bomb detonated in Hiroshima. Very resistant to radiation.
  • Super-EffPredigested fatty acids to maintain the integrity of the cellular membrane during electromagnetic pollution exposure.  

If you are looking for a natural approach to improving your health, it starts with food. Visit the Natural Health Improvement Center of Idaho to book an initial consultation HERE

Also watch this amazing documentary starring my colleague, Dr. Frank Springob, DC. 

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