Each and every day of our lives, we are put to the test facing challenging environmental obstacles. The triad of health represents the three sides of our health that are affected by these day to day challenges. The balance of three health areas: structural, nutritional, and emotional, is the foundation of one’s health. An imbalance to any one or more of these areas leads to health challenges or dis-eases. These dis-eases lead to disease or other health related conditions. Our goal is to help you identify your underlying causes of health challenges and create a plan to help you achieve your optimal wellness goals.
Our clinic provides Functional Nutrition services and covers the nutritional side of health. We usually recommend Emotion Code support for the emotional side of health. AND for structural, we recommend chiropractic.
Structural imbalances in our daily lives creates health problems in many ways especially putting stress upon our nervous system. For example, seated for hours daily in front of a computer causes a weakening or imbalance in muscle function which in turn affects the body’s structural equilibrium. Frequent exercises, if done improperly, are also structural stressors that can lead to imbalances. Physical injuries in life also affect our structure whether they are more noticeable (from an auto or work related injury) or more subtle (from a not so noticeable non-braced injury.) A structural problem left unaddressed over time can cause additional structural health issues as well as chemical and mental stressors. Exercise recommendations for correction of structural stability will be available to help you achieve your optimal wellness goals.
Gerald’s children have received chiropractic since they were 2 weeks old. Gerald has guest lectured for over a decade at the top Chiropractic Colleges in Northern California, including Life Chiropractic College, West Campus and Palmer Chiropractic, West Campus.
Gerald’s daughter is training to be a chiropractor (specializing in stuffed animal care).

If you are in the Treasure Valley, we recommend these partners of ours for your chiropractic needs. These locations have digital x-ray capabilities and they are our top recommendations within the Treasure Valley.
Bonfire Chiropractic (North Meridian)
6291 N. Fox Run Way, Suite 110
Meridian, ID 83646
(208) 266-7000
Elite Chiropractic & Rehab (South Meridian)
135 E. Calderwood Drive, Suite 110
Meridian, ID 83642
(208) 844-0475
Harrison Family Chiropractic
1118 12th Ave. S
Nampa, ID 83651
(208) 965-8784
Peak Chiropractic
4483 N Dresden Place #103
Garden City, ID 83714
(208) 901-0327
If you are Northern California, we recommend the clinic where Gerald mentored many clinicians in the application of Functional Nutrition
Waterman Chiropractic Center
3160 Crow Canyon Rd, Suite 120
San Ramon, CA 94583